Tuesday, July 12, 2011

okay the things that happen today make me feel like blogging so much.i know i am a lucky girl.i know there are so many people standing there to give me support but i never know that their love are so powerful and in such an unconditional way.

mummy bought me out for buying all the necessary things before leaving.seriously,looking at those goods while mummy ask me which one i prefer,i have a sudden urge to tell her that mummy i don't want to go anymore.she looked so tired after spending 2 hours shopping with me.the moment i told her leaving is my final decision,she didn't scold me for wasting her money studying in sunway but quickly help me prepare all the things.my daddy,didn't scold me too and support me fully.my sis,ask me to think twice yet support me when i told her my final decision and even buy clothes and stationery for me without letting me know.my younger sis say she gonna make full use of the time when i still in home to stick around me and will continue kacau me by phoning me and argue-ing with me to make me don't feel like homesick.my bro was shocked and even asked:ARE YOU CRAZY?? when i told him that.(perhaps he was just wake up when seeing my message)lol.yet he still respect and accept my decision.after all,he was just worried i will scare of living alone there.he scare i make the wrong decision and i know how much he want me to study and live in sg.i know what is the thing that he had sacrificed just to let us study.i know what is the life that he want us to lead.i won't let you down kor.i will strive my best:)how awesome my family is and how lucky i  am to have them.packing is almost done and seeing so much bags i feel like bring along my house there.lol.messaged all the person that i wish to tell and now got each of their replies.frankly speaking i can't bear to lose them,imagine the life after this that you gonna make new friends and need time to build up the bond again.but i gotta move on no matter how.jia jun say i'm very jian1 qiang2 and he know i will be strong there.thanks guy.EVERYONE is wishing me the best luck ever and now i realise the important of making good friends.thankyou sooo soo much for all the support.i will be better.

this should be blogged by yesterday but something crops up so i shall continue it today.i think i should blog more after i move there to help me express my feeling while adapting to the new environment.i will miss my family badly although i know they're always there for me.living outside is never easy.i've been imagine life after this to give myself some mental preparation before i was too shocked by what i will face over there.anything bad that i could think of..manage daily life while concentrate on studies,relationships with housemate,classmates,lectures,staff,mentor,tutor..while i guess the most difficult part for me would be the red bold part.ya,it's time for me to grow and be independant and be mature and be strong and be anything better than who i am now.life's is about learning,experiencing all the bad and good things all the times.

meanwhile,i hope everything will be alright.everything will be fine.everything will turn out as what i wish.perhaps i worry too much since mummy ask me to relax and be brave to accept anything that is coming.okay i will be positive and won't think too much.jiayou jiayou!!!

"As I saw the morning star come up over the mountains, I realized that life is simply a collection of memories. But memories are like starlight – they live on forever.''

*pray hard* hugs**


  1. Welcome to our be-brave-reans!
    I've been waiting for you for a long time!


  2. Jie, If you feel to talk to someone, I'll be always there for you. Fully support! Everyone of us can tell that you will be successful in the future :)
